
View outside the car on the trip to Gargnano, around Brennero

The view towards Brennero on a trip around christmas towards Gargnano

4 - Making it work

In Part 4, we'll delve into these practical aspects, offering tips on packing light, managing two households, and embracing the unexpected joys (and challenges!) of a simpler life. We'll also share more of our favorite family-friendly spots around Gargnano, perfect for those budget-conscious Lake Garda moments.

The view from the family restaurant La Fontanelle towards the cliff of Muslone

3 - The Affordability

In Part 3, discover the surprises (good and bad!) of navigating the Italian property purchase process, and the moment the keys to our dual-home dream were finally in our hands

The view from the balcony towards decending Monte Baldo with a strong Peler north wind on the east of the lake

2 - Finding the spot

Read on to discover the challenges and triumphs of finding our dream home on Lake Garda, and how we navigate the exciting (and sometimes chaotic!) world of a dual-home lifestyle

The lake and Monte Baldo from the mountain range around Limon Sul Garda

1 - The Dream

The family's vacation spot in Limone sul Garda transformed into a dream of living there. The birth of their daughter Lina and the global impact of COVID-19 made a dual home seem possible. Despite financial and logistical concerns, the desire for a house by Lake Garda, surrounded by nature and delicious local food, proved irresistible.